Our Police and Crime Commissioner, Jason Ablewhite, was in St Neots reassuring residents the local police station would not shut on his watch. Except when the sign goes up 'Closed due to lack of staff'.
There was commentary about the rarity of seeing a police officer, even in a car. Several attendees expressed a wish for more visible policing. Mr Ablewhite's response? The modern police force would not be returning to a "nostalgic era" of bobbies on the beat. Apparently community policing has become too reactive. In a classic bit of bluster and doublespeak, Mr Ablewhite said "...we need to create a preventative and cost-effective space." Anyone want to have a go at translating that?
Presumably that means a shift to more proactive policing. No better authority than the College of Policing confirms targeting visible police patrols on crime hotspots works. It also reassures the public.
Even Cambridgeshire Police's own evidence shows targeted bobbies on the beat really works. In 2016 a substantial drop in 34 Peterborough crime hotspots was achieved by the visible presence of PCSOs for just 21 minutes a day.
Mr Ablewhite has increased the precept by £24 a year to increase numbers by 50. That's on top of the 100+ added last year. All of these are 'local' police officers. Unfortunately there's little evidence they'll be seen locally any time soon.
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